Welcome to the Duke Aging Center
The Duke Aging Center is a multi-disciplinary hub for the promotion of healthy aging across the lifespan and management of social and medical complexities in late life. With more than 150 affiliated faculty members from across the University and Medical Center, and millions of dollars annually in aging-related research funding, the Center is a vital national resource for the study of aging.
Upcoming Events of interest to the Aging community at Duke
December 2
Dr Alexandra Badea
12:00 pm to
1:00 pm
December 6
Aging Center Research & Education Showcase
8:30 am to
1:00 pm
December 9
Updates in Geriatrics Research at the VA -- Geriatrics Grand Rounds
Dr Barrett Bowling
12:00 pm to
1:00 pm
December 16
The Aging Lung -- Geriatrics Grand Rounds
Dr Danny Guidot
12:00 pm to
1:00 pm