The Diversity in Aging Research (DAR) team is committed to advancing science that addresses neurocognitive disparities in aging. We aim to develop accessible, sustainable, and ethical research that includes and benefits all. We seek to promote an environment that fosters a sense of belonging in science among trainees, staff, and faculty from all backgrounds and allows all to thrive.
Latest Research & Grants
Griffith EE, Lepore M, Monin JK. (2023). “Community Based Participatory Research Empowers People Living with Dementia to be Research Collaborators.” The Gerontologist, gnad047.
Griffith EE. (2023). “Recruiting Participants for Dementia Research Without Saying ‘Dementia’: A Site Study in Central Mexico.” In: Anthropological Perspectives on Aging, BM Howell & RP Harrod eds., University of Press of Florida.
Griffith EE, Dampier JEE, Hart CM, Harper RW. (2022). “Food, Medicine, or Heat? How Firewood Banks Leverage Local Natural Resources to Support Fuel-Poor Households.” Journal of Rural and Community Development, 17(3).
Marquine, María J., Adam Parks, Jaime Perales-Puchalt, David A. González, Mónica Rosado-Bruno, Rebecca North, Carl Pieper, et al. “Demographically-adjusted normative data among Latinos for the version 3 of the Alzheimer's Disease Centers' Neuropsychological Test Battery in the Uniform Data Set.” Alzheimers Dement 19, no. 9 (September 2023): 4174–86. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.13313.
Marquine, María J., Adam Parks, Jaime Perales-Puchalt, David A. González, Mónica Rosado-Bruno, Rebecca North, Carl Pieper, et al. “Demographically-adjusted normative data among Latinos for the version 3 of the Alzheimer's Disease Centers' Neuropsychological Test Battery in the Uniform Data Set.” Alzheimers Dement 19, no. 9 (September 2023): 4174–86. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.13313.
El Husseini, Nada, Irene L. Katzan, Natalia S. Rost, Margaret Lehman Blake, Eeeseung Byun, Sarah T. Pendlebury, Hugo J. Aparicio, et al. “Cognitive Impairment After Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.” Stroke 54, no. 6 (June 2023): e272–91. https://doi.org/10.1161/STR.0000000000000430.
Guareña, Lesley A., Lily Kamalyan, Caitlin Wei-Ming Watson, Kayle Karcher, Anya Umlauf, Erin Morgan, David Moore, et al. “Emotional health and its association with neurocognition in Hispanic and non-Hispanic White people with HIV.” J Int Neuropsychol Soc, April 20, 2023, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355617723000188.
Marquine, M.J., Rivera Mindt, M., Umlauf, A., Suarez, P., Kamalyan, L., Morlett Predes, A., Yassai Gonzalez, D., Scott, T., Heaton, A., Diaz-Santos, M., Gooding, A., Artiola I Fortuny, L., Heaton, R.K., & Cherner, M. (2021). Introduction to the Neuropsychological Norms for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist (Norms for Spanish Speakers Special Issue); 35(2), 227-235.
Marquine, M.J., & Jimenez, D.E. (2020). Cultural and linguistic proficiency in mental health care: A crucial aspect of professional competence. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(1), 1-3.
Research and Mentoring on Neurocognitive Disparities in Aging awarded by National Institutes of Health 2023 - 2026
Identifying Digital Phenotypes of Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Among Hispanics/Latinos awarded by University of California - San Diego 2022 – 2026
Michael J. Fox Foundation (Marquine, Litvan) Jan 2022 – Jan 2025
Disparities in Neurocognitive Impairment among Hispanics/Latinos in the US with Parkinson’s Disease: The Role of Cardiovascular Risk (MJFF-020964)
To examine the impact of cardiovascular risk on neurocognitive impairment among Hispanics/Latinos with Parkinson’s Disease
In the News
- Apple Podcast: Navigating Neuropsychology “Neuropsychological Norms for Spanish Speaking People in the U.S. “
- The San Diego Union Tribute in Spanish “ La demencia afecta a la comunidad latina y hay que poner atención”
- The San Diego Union Tribute in Spanish “Es posible mantener la mente saludable a medida que vamos envejeciendo?”
- The San Diego Union Tribute in Spanish “El Alzheimer es una enfermedad que afecta el cerebro”
- Neurology Live: "Positive Life Change During Pandemic Linked to Fewer Cognitive Symptoms Among Latin American Elderly”
- The San Diego Union Tribute in Spanish “¿Por qué es importante que los latinos participemos en investigaciones sobre envejecimiento saludable?”
- Duke University School of Medicine press “Leveling the Playing Field: Maria Marquine's Mission to Advance Latino Health Equity”
- The Florida Times-Union “Conversations with 'la familia' about aging and Alzheimer’s disease” – Lizbeth Vera Murillo
Meet the Team

María Marquine, PhD
Dr. Marquine is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine (Geriatrics Division) and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke Univesrity, and is Associate Scientific Director for Research Career Development in the Duke Aging Center. Originally from Uruguay, she is a bilingual (Spanish/English) clinical scientist and neuropsychologist. Her research focuses on addressing neurocognitive disparities in aging.

Lizbeth Vera Murillo, MS
Hola! I am a bilingual (English/Spanish) clinical research coordinator, originally from Ecuador. I obtained my Bachelor’s in Psychology at Youngstown state University and my Master’s in Psychological Science at the University of North Florida. My research focuses on neurocognitive health equity for all, mainly through promoting the recruitment and retention for all in research studies. In my current role at Duke, I am focused on helping the lab address neuropsychological test standards for Spanish- Speakers with the LAMP (Latinos, Memoria y Pensamiento) study. When I am not working, I like to cook, bake, paint, and read.

Eric Griffith, PhD
Dr. Eric Griffith received his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and then worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Duke's Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity. He completed his dissertation fieldwork in central Mexico, focusing on the experiences of familial caregivers for people living with Alzheimer’s disease. Eric’s research interests include biocultural anthropology, cognitive aging, health disparities, and social determinants of health. He is currently a T32 Postdoctoral Researcher in the Duke Aging Center, working under the direction of Dr. Maria Marquine.
Fernanda Ochoa Toro 
Fernanda Ochoa Toro is a Clinical Research Coordinator at the Center for Aging at Duke, where she coordinates research initiatives aimed at advancing healthcare for aging populations. Prior to this, Fernanda served as a Social/Clinical Research Specialist at the UNC Kidney Center, coordinating multiple kidney-focused research studies, including clinical trials, observational studies, and patient registries. Additionally, she worked as a bilingual research assistant with the Postnatal Patient Safety Learning Lab, contributing to impactful projects in women's health.
Beyond her research roles, Fernanda has experience as a Community Organizer with Latino Congress, where she focused on empowering and addressing the needs of the Latino community. Her dedication to addressing healthcare disparities is further demonstrated through her role as a Patient Navigator in the UNC Cancer Center, where she actively worked to improve accessibility and support for patients facing complex healthcare challenges. Fernanda's multifaceted experience underscores her passion for inclusive healthcare practices.
Contact Us
Call us at 919-681-6813
Email us: lampinfo@duke.edu
En Español
Equipo DAR

El equipo de DAR está comprometido con el avance de la ciencia que aborda las disparidades neurocognitivas en la salud neurocognitiva en el envejecimiento. Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar una investigación accesible, sostenible y ética que incluya y beneficie a todos en la ciencia. Buscamos promover un entorno que fomente un sentido de pertenencia a la ciencia entre los alumnos, el personal y el profesorado de todos los orígenes y permita que todos prosperen.
En las Noticias
The San Diego Union Tribute en Español “ La demencia afecta a la comunidad latina y hay que poner atención” by Dr. Marquine
The San Diego Union Tribute en Español “¿Por qué es importante que los latinos participemos en investigaciones sobre envejecimiento saludable?”
The San Diego Union Tribute en Español “Es posible mantener la mente saludable a medida que vamos envejeciendo?”
The San Diego Union Tribute en Español “El Alzheimer es una enfermedad que afecta el cerebro”
Aqui en tu comunidad, Tu 18JAX “Part 1” and “Part 2”
María Marquine, PhD

La Dr. Marquine es profesora en el Departamento de Medicina (División de Geriatría) y el Departamento de Psiquiatría y Ciencias del Comportamiento de la Universidad de Duke, y es director científico asociado para el desarrollo de carreras de investigación en el Duke Aging Center. Originaria de Uruguay, es científica clínica y neuropsicóloga bilingüe (español/inglés). Su investigación se centra en abordar las disparidades neurocognitivas en el envejecimiento.

¡Hola! Soy coordinadora de investigación clínica bilingüe (inglés/español), originaria de Ecuador. Obtuve mi Licenciatura de Psicología en la Universidad Estatal de Youngstown y mi Maestría de Ciencias Psicológicas en la Universidad del Norte de Florida. Mi investigación se enfoca en la equidad de salud neurocognitiva mediante el reclutamiento y la retención en estudios de investigación. En mi trabajo actual en Duke, ayudo al laboratorio con el estudio LAMP (Latinos, Memoria y Pensamiento) para investigar los estándares de pruebas neuropsicológicas para hispanohablantes. Cuando no estoy trabajando, me gusta cocinar, hornear, pintar y leer.
Eric Griffith, PhD

El Dr. Eric Griffith recibió su doctorado de antropología de la Universidad de Massachusetts Amherst y trabajó como becario postdoctoral en el Centro Samuel DuBois Cook sobre Equidad Social de Duke. Completó su trabajo de tesis en el centro de México, enfocándose en las experiencias de los cuidadores de familiares que viven con la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Los temas de investigación de Eric incluyen la antropología biocultural, el envejecimiento cognitivo, las disparidades en la salud y los determinantes sociales de la salud. Actualmente es Investigador Postdoctoral T32 en el Duke Aging Center, trabajando bajo la dirección de la Dra. María Marquine.
Fernanda Ochoa Toro
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Para ponerse en contacto con nosotros por favor llame al 919-681-6813 o mande un correo electrónico a lampinfo@duke.edu