Program Overview
The CARiNG-StARR (Creating Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Researchers for the Next Generation – Stimulating Access to Research in Residency) Pathway supports protected time for residents to conduct research on issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). The program’s goal is to help residents develop into independent physician-scientists who use cutting-edge research methods to pursue long-term academic careers investigating ADRD issues. These opportunities are supported by an active R38 StARR award to Duke University School of Medicine from NIA.
All residents in the CARiNG-StARR program will have a primary research mentor in laboratory-based basic science research, clinical research, or health services research focusing on ADRD. In addition, a Scholarship Oversight Committee (SOC) will meet with each resident in the program at least twice per year and help the trainee create an individualized development plan.
Benefits of the Program
- Selected residents appointed to the CARiNG-StARR Research Residency Pathway will establish a record of accomplishment of scholarly activities. This includes:
- Application submission for an external individual career development award (National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship or K38) Stimulating Access to Research in Residency Transition Scholar (StARRTs)
- Participation in scientific meetings
- Submission of research manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals
- 12 months of protected time for research integrated with clinical training
- Enhanced physician-scientist career mentorship opportunities from the primary research mentor, the Scholarship Oversight Committee, and the CARiNG-StARR program directors
- An opportunity to apply for a technician or research assistant to maintain research productivity during blocks of clinical residency training
- Strengthened candidacy for Duke University School of Medicine subspecialty fellowship programs
- Funds to support conference travel and research needs
- Eligibility to apply for a new NIH early career award (K38 StARRTs)
- Eligibility to apply for shortened subspecialty fellowship training time, based on approval by their specialty board
Duke University School of Medicine interns and PGY2 residents in good clinical standing are eligible to apply to the program.
Priority is given to residents from the departments of Family Medicine & Community Health, Neurology, and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences.
Please see department websites for details specific to their trainees:
Application & Selection
Application Materials
- A one-page personal statement describing the applicant’s intended scientific career trajectory
- An NIH-style biosketch
- A one- to two-page scientific proposal, formatted as an NIH-style specific aims page, describing a core research project to be completed during the training period
- A letter of support from a Duke faculty member who has agreed to serve as the applicant’s research mentor
Application Process
- Deadline to apply is November December 6.
- Completed applications should be sent to Ashley Price, PhD, MPH, CARiNG StARR coordinator. Applicants will receive an email confirming receipt.
Selection Process
- Potential applicants are encouraged to meet with their department residency and R38 program representatives to express interest.
- A committee that includes the R38 PIs Drs. Heather Whitson and Anthony Viera and other representatives from participating departments will review applications.