Events & Save the Dates:
Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Division Research Updates
Monday 8/28, 12pm-1pm via Zoom
Reminder! Early Bird Pricing for GSA 2023 registration ends on Friday 9/1!
Save the Dates!
September GeriaTrek at Occoneechee Mountain – Saturday 9/9 at 9am (rescheduled from August)
Join us for a summer hike on Occoneechee Mountain trail, a 2.2 mile loop trail rated as easy-moderate. Families and friends (waggy and otherwise) welcome. 625 Virginia Cates Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Aging Center & Geriatrics Popsicle Picnic Sunday 9/10, 3-5pm
Join your colleagues and friends from the Aging Center and Geriatrics for a casual afternoon of LocoPops and lawn games at Sandy Creek Park in Durham! Families welcome!
Stead Tread 5K run/walk 2023 – Benefitting Lincoln Community Health Center
Saturday September 23, 9am
Solite Park, 4704 Fayetteville Rd, Durham 27713
Registration is $35 per person age 13+ and free for 12-and-under. Follow this link to register and join Team Geriatrics at this fun and important event! You can run or walk, and strollers are welcome. Register by September 1 to get a Stead Tread 2023 t-shirt. Dr. Colon-Emeric will be happy to pay for any Geriatrics fellows who want to participate!
Current Funding & Other Opportunities:
Pepper Center Funding Opportunities – Letters of Interest due 9/11/23
ADRC Core Funding Opportunities – Letters of Interest due 10/16/23
ADRC RFA for innovative neurodegeneration-related discovery research in Basic Brain Science – One $100,000 award. Open to Duke SOM Faculty, LOI Due 9/15/23
Duke Physician-Scientist “Strong Start” Program – Applications due 10/2/23
AAMC Mid-career Women Faculty Career Development Seminar – December 5-7, 2023 in Atlanta, GA. Women associate professors are eligible to apply. Applications open in August and remain open for three weeks. Click here for more details and to sign up for event updates.
Latest NIA Funding Opportunities
Bass Connections Proposals - Bass Connections is now seeking proposals for year-long, team-based research projects that engage faculty, undergraduates, and graduate/professional students in the interdisciplinary exploration of complex societal challenges. Please see the project proposal guidelines. Proposals due 11/6/23
Upcoming Roybal Center lectures and webinars – 5Ts, State of the Science, and Specific Aims Writing Workshop
In the News:
- Pepper Center pilot awardee Laura Pietrosimone receives NIH K23 grant focused on Developing a Novel Clinical Care Model for Chronic Patellar Tendinopathy Utilizing Whole Person Healthcare
- Resilience State of the Science workshop paper featured on the cover of JAGS
- Aging Center T32 postdoc Ashley Artese publishes 1st author paper on the use of commercial wrist-worn technology to track physiological outcomes in behavioral interventions