September 11-15
Events this week:
Aging Center & Geriatrics Popsicle Picnic Sunday 9/10, 3-5pm
Join your colleagues and friends from the Aging Center and Geriatrics for a casual afternoon of LocoPops and lawn games at Sandy Creek Park in Durham! Families welcome!
Works in Progress Studio - Geriatrics Grand Rounds
Monday September 11, 2023 | 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Presenter: Dr. Kenneth Schmader
Hybrid Session – Aging Center Hub 2514 & Zoom
Health Affairs Policy Spotlight: Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model discussion with Liz Fowler, Deputy Administrator of CMS and Director of CMMI
Thursday September 14, 3pm-4pm
Free, but registration is required: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/he20230825.113239/full
Friday September 15, 1pm-5:15pm (reception following)
Gross Hall room 270
Save the Dates:
Stead Tread 5K run/walk 2023 – Benefitting Lincoln Community Health Center
Saturday September 23, 9am
Solite Park, 4704 Fayetteville Rd, Durham 27713
Registration is $35 per person age 13+ and free for 12-and-under. Follow this link to register and join Team Geriatrics at this fun and important event! You can run or walk, and strollers are welcome. Register by September 1 to get a Stead Tread 2023 t-shirt. Dr. Colon-Emeric will be happy to pay for any Geriatrics fellows who want to participate!
Duke Ice Cream Social @ GSA 2023 in Tampa!
Friday, November 10 from 9pm-11pm
Bright Ice Scoop Shop on Water Street (adjacent to headquarters hotel)
Annual Aging Center Research & Education Showcase and Wrenn Lecture
Friday, December 15 from 8:30am-1:00pm
Trent Semans Great Hall
Current Funding & Other Opportunities:
Pepper Center Funding Opportunities – Letters of Interest due 9/11/23
ADRC Core Funding Opportunities – Letters of Interest due 10/16/23
2023 Clin-STAR Annual Meeting Travel Awards
Clin-STAR is offering up to 10 travel awards to early-stage clinician-scientists who could benefit from the opportunities provided by the Clin-STAR Annual Meeting, to be held November 14-16, 2023 in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. The travel award (up to $2,000 per person) is intended to cover travel to and from the meeting, meeting meals and hotel accommodations. Successful applicants will be conducting transdisciplinary research in basic, translational or clinical, or Patient-Oriented Research (POR) from diverse disciplines and specialties. The deadline to apply is September 11, 2023. For more information and to apply, view the RFA here.
2023 Beeson Annual Meeting Travel Awards
The Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award Program is offering up to 5 travel awards to early stage clinically-trained investigators who could benefit from the opportunities provided by the Beeson Annual Meeting, to be held November 15-17, 2023 in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, and who could potentially enhance and diversify the Beeson Scholars pool in the future. The travel award (up to $2,000 per person) is intended to cover travel to and from the meeting, and hotel accommodation. Successful applicants will be conducting basic, translational, clinical, or patient-oriented research in disciplines relevant to aging and geriatrics. The deadline to apply is September 18, 2023. For more information and to apply, view the RFA here.
ADRC RFA for innovative neurodegeneration-related discovery research in Basic Brain Science – One $100,000 award. Open to Duke SOM Faculty, LOI Due 9/15/23
Duke Physician-Scientist “Strong Start” Program – Applications due 10/2/23
Latest NIA Funding Opportunities
Bass Connections Proposals - Bass Connections is now seeking proposals for year-long, team-based research projects that engage faculty, undergraduates, and graduate/professional students in the interdisciplinary exploration of complex societal challenges. Please see the project proposal guidelines. Proposals due 11/6/23
Upcoming Roybal Center lectures and webinars – 5Ts, State of the Science, and Specific Aims Writing Workshop
In the News:
Dr. Marianne Chanti-Ketterl is the lead author of a groundbreaking new paper in the journal Neurology exploring the connection between traumatic brain injury and cognitive decline in later life. Read the news article in the Washington Post, and find the paper itself here: Associations Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Cognitive Decline Among Older Veteran Men - A Twin Study
Dr. Chanti-Ketterl is a faculty member in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Associate Core Leader of the ADRC ORE Core, a Senior Fellow in the Aging Center, and an alumna of the Aging Center T32 program. Duke Co-authors on the paper are Dr. Carl Pieper and Dr. Brenda Plassman. Congratulations to you all!