Leveling the Playing Field: Maria Marquine’s Mission to Advance Latino Health Equity

María Marquine, PhD, grew up playing field hockey in her native Uruguay with the intention of having a career in the sport, until she was permanently sidelined by an injury. So, Marquine turned to another subject she loves as much as sports—science: “the way we understand the world,” as she puts it.

The decision was a major turning point for Marquine—even if she did come to it somewhat serendipitously—and it marked the beginning of a career that has put the neuropsychologist at Duke University School of Medicine at the forefront of national change.  

A bilingual expert in cross-cultural neuropsychology, health disparities, and neurocognitive aging, Marquine is giving clinicians across the country the tools they have long needed to identify neurocognitive disorders in the Latino population... Read the full article from SoM Magnify Magazine
