Today, September 21, is World Alzheimer’s Day. On this day of awareness and commitment to finding a cure, please take a moment learn more about the Duke-UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, an NIH designated Center of Excellence in the Duke Aging Center, and explore the Alzheimer’s-related events and opportunities happening today and in the weeks to come at Duke and beyond (see listing below).
Duke-UNC ADRC Memory and Aging Study
You can click the image below to learn more about joining the Duke-UNC ADRC Memory and Aging Study, and please share with your networks.
You may participate in the study if you are:
- Between ages 25 and 80
- Willing to attend study visits and participate in any or all study procedures including:
- Brain imaging (MRI)
- Memory evaluations
- Blood tests
- Spinal fluid sample
You will be paid for your participation.
2022 Walk to End Alzheimer's
When: October 15, 2022 | Starts at 9am with opening ceremony beginning at 10:30am
Where: Halifax Mall, 300 N Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603
Map: location
Duke-UNC ADRC Team Name: Duke-UNC ADRC Brain-Walkers
Register at: http://act.alz.org/goto/Duke-UNC-ADRC
Duke-UNC ADRC Funding Opportunities
Duke/UNC ADRC is seeking applications for ADRC developmental projects (DPs) – The DP program is designed to support a 1-year collaborative project between Duke and UNC Chapel Hill investigators. DP awardees may propose up to $50,000 in direct funding for the overall project, with no more than $25,000 budgeted at Duke or UNC Chapel Hill. Collaborative proposals should designate a PI at both institutions.
Letter of Intent due: October 15, 2022
Full application due: November 30, 2022
RFA - https://dukeuncadrc.org/2022/09/01/call-for-applications-adrc-dp-scholars/
Duke/UNC ADRC Research Education Component (REC) is soliciting applications for ADRC REC Scholars who are postdoctoral students, advanced fellows, or junior faculty (within 3 years of appointment). Candidates must hold an appropriate academic or clinical appointment at Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Pembroke, North Carolina Central University, or East Carolina University. REC Scholars will receive access to curriculum and Core services of the ADRC as well as $10,000 in direct funding per year for two years which can be used toward salary, tuition, travel, or career development activities.
Applications due: November 30, 2022
RFA - https://dukeuncadrc.org/2022/09/01/call-for-applications-adrc-rec-scholars/
Lectures and Conferences
MERIAD: Mechanisms in Epigenetics to explain Racial Inequalities in Alzheimer’s Disease
Andy Liu, MD, MS – Department of Neurology Clinical Grand Rounds
Wednesday, September 21 – 8:00am-9:00am
Karen L. Wrenn Lectureship: From Diagnostic Tests to Prevention Trials: Advances in Alzheimer's Disease
Randall J. Bateman, MD – Washington University SOM, DIAN, DIAN-TU
Wednesday, September 21 – 5:30pm-7:00pm IN PERSON at Bryan Research 103
In Honor of Reverend Dr. James Brown: From Neurons to Nations: The Road to Health Equity in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Luis D. Medina, PhD – Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds
Thursday, September 22 – 12:00pm-1:00pm
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms and Caregiving in the United States and Mexico
ADRD IDEAS Forum - Eric Griffith, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University
Thursday, September 22 – 4:00pm-5:00pm
Join the ADRD IDEAS Forum listserv to receive future announcements