Pepper Center Workshops & Events Information

Duke Pepper Center offers numerous workshops and events each year for researchers, consistent with the Center's mission to understand and optimize reserve and resilience. See below for upcoming research training workshops and events.


Consulting and Collaborating: Using the 5Ts Framework 

A workshop for junior faculty and mid-career investigators conducting research relevant to older adults: Improving communication using the 5Ts Framework

5ts framework graphic

October 31st, 2:00 - 3:30pm and December 12th, 10:00 - 11:30am
(registrants are expected to attend both sessions)

The Duke Pepper Center’s Research Education Component (REC) Core is pleased to announce the launch of a Consulting and Collaborating 2-part training workshop, where investigators will learn the 5Ts Framework to guide successful collaborations and effective consults with non-geriatrician researchers.

Registration is free! Space is limited to 15 participants, and the workshop is geared toward early and mid-career faculty researchers

Clinical investigators in aging research are often invited to collaborate with or provide consultation to research teams outside of geriatrics and gerontology. However, opportunities to develop skills and experience communicating geriatric research principles are limited. Communicating the need for inclusion of older adults in research and strategies to address common barriers to participation are helpful skills for effective consultation and collaboration. The 5Ts Framework was developed to support the inclusion of diverse populations of older adults in research by emphasizing 5 key areas and communicating practical strategies to research teams.

Learning objectives:
1. To anticipate common barrier to inclusion of older adults in research
2. To recognize how the 5Ts Framework can support inclusion of older adults in research
3. To prepare to use the 5Ts Framework for consultation or collaboration through structured activities
4. To identify ways that the 5Ts could also be used in one’s own work

Using the 5Ts helps research teams identify the appropriate target population and avoid exclusions that limit participation, build representative teams that include aging expertise, anticipate additional time and resources to assist older adults, follow practical tips for accommodating age-related limitations to study participation, and use tools to measure what matters to older adults.

Register now!

Intervention Development Workshop header image


The objective of this workshop is to support early investigators in developing and testing complex interventions targeting older populations.

Organized around the Medical Research Council framework for the development and evaluation of complex interventions to improve health, and the NIH Stage Model, participants will have the opportunity to develop or refine their own intervention ideas over 7 sessions.   Expert faculty facilitators review key points using case study examples, highlight resources and provide self-study materials.  Ample time for discussion, small group work, feedback, and problem-solving around the scholars’ research areas is provided. Topics and learning objectives are listed below.

2023 Workshop Dates

2:30-4 pm

Aging Center Hub 2514 - Blue Zone, Duke South 

  • 2/3/2023
  • 2/10/23
  • 2/17/23
  • 2/24/23
  • 3/3/23
  • 3/10/23
  • 3/17/23



  • Workshop is limited to 25 participants
  • Participants must commit to attending at least 5 of the 7 sessions
  • CLICK HERE to register 
    • In the online registration form, you will be asked to attach a current CV or biosketch, and briefly describe the intervention you are considering

Workshop Topics and Objectives

Introduction to Intervention Development Frameworks

Faculty facilitators: Colón-Emeric, Strauman

  • List the phases of complex intervention development and describe why they are necessary
  • Identify types of complex research in older adults, and why complex interventions are usually required
  • Scholars give brief presentations of their intervention area and stage of development
  • Review course goals and logistics

Pre-Clinical or Theoretical Phase

Faculty facilitators: Crowley, Zullig, Somers

  • Define and quantify the problem, identify and quantify the population most at risk/likely to benefit
  • Understand the pathways by which the problem is caused/sustained
  • Describe the existing evidence that your proposed intervention might have the desired effect
  • List commonly used models of behavior change, organizational change, multiple risk factor reduction, etc. that are useful in aging research
  • Adopt, adapt, or develop a theoretical model for your intervention

Phase II: Incorporating Implementation Science Principles

Faculty facilitators: Bosworth

  • List CFIR domains and describe how features of each are associated with successful implementation of complex interventions
  • Describe methods for identifying and overcoming potential implementation barriers early in intervention development
  • List types of implementation measures that are useful during intervention pilot testing

Phase I: Defining components of the intervention

Faculty facilitators: Whitson, Steinhauser, Johnson

  • Describe the organizational/social/environmental context for your proposed intervention
  • Use the theoretical model to identify critical leverage points on the pathway and potential interventions to change them
  • Use principles of community/participant engaged research to obtain stakeholder input into the intervention components and delivery and ensure equity
  • Understand how intervention components may need to be adapted for elderly/vulnerable groups, and groups underrepresented in research.
  • List basic qualitative methods useful for intervention development and refinement

Phase II: Exploratory Trial – Optimize intervention 

Faculty facilitators: Schmader, Pieper

  • Describe common pilot study designs
  • Measure the feasibility and acceptability of intervention components
  • List components of intervention fidelity and how to measure them
  • List data you will need for design of an efficacy/effectiveness trial and strategies for obtaining it in the exploratory phase

Phase II: Exploratory Trial – Optimize evaluation

Faculty facilitators:  Hall, Ramos

  • List types of outcomes commonly examined in aging research
  • Identify resources for validated Patient Reported Outcomes
  • Use strategies to minimize participant burden
  • Identify issues in adapting outcomes for older populations
  • Describe how exploratory trials inform optimization of measurement protocols

Phase III: Pragmatic Trial Design

Faculty facilitators: Colón-Emeric, Bowling

  • List options for testing a complex intervention and when each is most appropriate:  individual randomized trial, group randomized trial, stepped-wedge designs
  • Describe principles/pitfalls in estimating sample size requirements for each design type
  • Understand human subjects and ethical considerations in pragmatic trials of older adults



Contact Michelle Cooley





Pop Health Datashare Services and PACE
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Aging Center Hub 2514